viernes, 27 de febrero de 2009

A carnival float depicting a flying U.S. President Obama with Europe being dragged along is seen during the traditional carnival parade in Duesseldorf, Germany, on Monday, Feb. 23, 2009. Rose-Monday-Parades in the carnival strongholds of Duesseldorf, Mainz and Cologne are watched by hundreds of thousands of revelers and mark the highlights of Germany's carnival season.

jueves, 26 de febrero de 2009


About once a year we hear the story of a young tot who finds himself stuck up inside one of those crane game machines. Somehow the little tyke crawls up through the prize hatch and gets trapped inside. If it weren't for the pictures and the speed of the Internet, we might never hear about these little David Blaine-wannabes. But, because we DO have the Internet, we can report that it has happened once again -- this time in Australia, where Lachlan Stevens grinned at spectators who couldn't help but giggle away as he stared at them from inside the toy vending machine. It took rescue personnel about 30 minutes to free Lachlan. When they opened the machine and freed the boy, everyone said he should be given a toy but his mother refused. "He definitely didn't get a toy," she said. "They did try to give him one but I said don't you dare -- he'll do it again."

martes, 17 de febrero de 2009

She misses her fligh

This woman at the Hong Kong airport goes nuts when she misses her flight.

a fireball seen in the sky over Texas on Sunday

Here's video of a fireball seen in the sky over Texas on Sunday. The U.S. military said it's NOT debris from the satellites that collided in space last week, so it could have been a meteor. The people in the video running away . . . were in a local marathon.

viernes, 13 de febrero de 2009


I have some bad news to report this morning. On Wednesday, Lee Redmond of Salt Lake City, Utah, got into a car accident . . . and broke a fingernail.

--I know what you're thinking . . . it's just a fingernail, so who cares? Ordinarily I'd feel the same way. Except Lee had been growing her fingernails since 1979 and with a combined length of more than 28 feet . . . Lee had the LONGEST FINGERNAILS IN THE WORLD.

--According to the police, Lee was taken to the hospital in serious condition . . . but she's expected to survive. Guinness World Records hasn't announced who the new record holder is yet.

jueves, 12 de febrero de 2009


We often joke that SALMA HAYEK'S post-pregnancy breasts are big enough to FEED THE WORLD. But to Salma, that's NOT A JOKE. She really DOES want to feed the world with those warlocks . . . one baby at a time.

--Salma was in the African nation of Sierra Leone recently . . . and cameras from ABC's "Nightline" filmed her breastfeeding some kid that wasn't even hers!!!

--Salma says that at first, she was worried she was giving away her daughter's milk.

--But then she decided, quote, "I actually think that my baby would be very proud to be able to share her milk, and when she grows up, I'm going to make sure she continues to be a caring, generous person."

Salma Hayek amamanta bebé africano

La actriz dijo que no pudo soportar ver al bebé llorar de hambre porque a su mamá se le había acabado la leche. Vídeo

Por El Universal de México/ GDA La actriz mexicana Salma Hayek mostró su espíritu caritativo y amamantó a un bebé africano como parte de un viaje que hizo a Sierra Leona.
Hayek, quien la semana pasada presentó una nueva faceta de la campaña contra el tétanos en la que colabora, se mostró conmovida luego de conocer el caso de una mujer que se había quedado sin leche para alimentar a su hijo, informó la página
En dicha página también puede apreciarse un video en el que la mexicana aparece cargando al pequeño y alimentándolo con su propia leche, pues en aquel entonces tenía poco de haber dejado de amamantar a su hija Valentina.
"El bebé estaba perfectamente saludable, pero la mamá no tenía leche. Estaba muy hambriento. Yo estaba dejando de amamantar a Valentina, pero aún tenía mucha leche, así que alimenté al bebé. Deberías haber visto sus ojos. Cuando sintió el alimento dejó de llorar de inmediato", relató Salma.

jueves, 5 de febrero de 2009

On Wednesday, 80-year-old Mary Feeney of Indianapolis, Indiana, was on her way home from the hair salon when her accelerator got stuck and she lost control of her SUV.

--Once everything was said and done, Mary had hit a bush, a fence, a gas meter a building . . . and SIX other cars. Take a look at the wreckage: (WISH News 8 - Indianapolis)

13 of his teeth with a pair of pliers.

42-year-old Ian Boynton of Beverley, England (--in the eastern part of the country), couldn't afford to go to a dentist. So he decided to take care of his toothache on his own . . . by removing 13 of his teeth with a pair of pliers. (!!!) (Sun)

Police arrested 45-year-old Teresa Brock for pimping out her 19-year-old daughter Danielle.

Have you ever fantasized about being double-teamed by a mother-daughter duo? You have, haven't you, you sick bastard. Well next time you do, I want you to remember THIS . . .

--Last Thursday, 45-year-old Teresa Brock and her daughter, 19-year-old Danielle, of Dayton, Ohio, were arrested after Teresa offered Danielle's sexual services to an undercover cop. Take a look at these beauties' mugshots: (WDTN News 2 - Dayton)

miércoles, 4 de febrero de 2009

Her twin dreams: a 38KKK

Breaking Breasts One woman stopped at nothing to achieve her twin dreams: a 38KKK bust, and a world record By ELIZABETH BOUGEROL

Sheyla Hershey was denied further enhancement by Houston law. So she went elsewhere for her KKK breast enhancement.